Thursday, April 9, 2020

15 more thumbnails!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex, I hope this feedback isn't coming too late. However, the two most promising thumbnails I see here (for storytelling and aesthetic purposes are the two on the right side of the first page on this post). Both seem to present the inside of the apartment through the window (in the foreground). It's a great way to communicate the "cold" reality of the outside world, where both Della and Jim must sacrifice and, on the other side of the window, the warm, cozy nest of their young couple's life. The bottom right thumbnail depicts more things in the room, and for that, it think it's more effective. However, the third thumbnail from the top (and on the left side) of the 2nd page of thumbnails seems to have the inside "right." So basically, I encourage you to keep the window in the foreground, but not with as much wall (as you have on some thumbnails on page 2 -- this depiction is about the apartment, not the wall), and to carefully pick and layout the key furniture and details to illustrate the life of this loving couple willing to sacrifice much to bring joy to one another! Go for it!
